The Elf Bar Tacja nicotine pouches offer you a vaping alternative which provide you with a smooth and tasteful vapour-free experience whilst enjoying a nicotine hit. These pouches are 100% tobacco free and are crafted from plant-based ingredients.
What are they?
Nicotine pouches are small pots/pouches that contact nicotine and other ingredients. It does not have any tobacco inside and people use them via their mouth. It is not smoked or swallowed.
What are the ingredients?`
The main ingredients are nicotine, water, flavourings, sweeteners, and plant-based fibres. They come in different strengths.
How do you use nicotine pouches?
Nicotine pouches are used by placing it under your cheek, gum, or lip. Its shape allows for a comfortable fit between the gum and the upper lip. It also works well placed under the lower lip when flattened against your gum.
Once it has been placed you will feel a slight tingling sensation which will last between 0-15 minutes after this it stabilizes, and you’ll enjoy a refreshing nicotine flavour.
What to do after you have used it?
After an hour or so, remove the piece from your mouth and dispose of it.
100% tobacco free
Long-lasting flavour
Plant based ingredients